Working with Content

Folder and Files

  • All folder and files names are expected to contain only small letter alphabets and number with only allowed symbols as ‘-’ (hyphen) and ‘_’ (underscore)
  • Each folder in content folder stands for a book e.g. content/ansible, it contains its page
  • Each sub-folder in content/ansible folder stands for a chapter for that book e.g. content/ansible/ansible-concepts, it contains its page
  • Each Book folder e.g. content/ansible, Chapter folder e.g. content/ansible/ansible-concepts can contain only Markdown files with extension .md files
  • Commonly referred Images and related static files to be kept inside content/images/
  • Each book folder will have its own image folder, e.g. for placing an image for book content/ansible folder name is content/images/ansible

Header of Page

  • Start of Page - This is as per syntax reference of Hugo documentation


  • Title of Page - Should be brief description of the content of Page

title = “Working with Content”

  • Wight - Weight of page based on which indexing will be carried out by Hugo, more details of how Weight planned in this project can be understood here

weight = 999004

  • Chapter - This will be false for all non index pages, can be aligned as per need though

chapter = false

  • Pre - This is a Prefix displayed in sidebar index on site for particular page. In this project its considered as sequence number in that Book or Chapter

pre = “4.

  • End of Page - This is as per syntax reference of Hugo documentation


  • Link to next page

Proceed with next page in this chapter [Next Page Label](#footer-of-pages)

Styling Chapters / Pages

  • Chapter title
# This is a chapter title
  • Chapter partition/section divider
## A chapter part title is preceded by an horizontal line
  • Chapter subpart
### A level 1 subpart
#### A level 2 subpart
  • Images
![An image should have an alt text](use/a/
  • Code
An `inline code block` goes like this
  • All Internal Page links should be without prefix/context e.g. for Ansible book’s index page folder link would be /ansible
  • All External Page links to DEV documentation should have actual url as
  • All External Page links to DEV documentation should have actual url as
  • All External Page links to DEV documentation should have actual url as
  • All Internal Image references should have prefix / e.g. for work in progress image link would be ![Work In progress](/images/work-in-progress-v2.gif 'Work In progress')

Proceed with next page in this Book Understanding Page Weight Logic